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REGISTRATION FORM for classes Pre-Nursery to VIII - 2023

1. This Registration is no guarantee for admission.

2. This Registration form should be produced in Original on the date of test as well as on the date of admission.

3. Registration fee is non-refundable even if admission is not granted.

4. After qualifying the written test, the student along with the parents may be called for an interactive session for final admission.

5. At the time of admission, the following documents will have to be submitted and verified: -

          a. Admission form duly filled in & signed on both sides as per T.C./ Date of Birth Certificate

          b. T.C. (Countersigned, Original)

         c. Date of Birth certificate (Issued by Municipal Corporation).

         d. Attested copy of Report Card of the previous school.

Instructions for filling Online Registration Form :

1. This is an online Registration Form for Asha Modern Junior High School

2. This form will work on Firefox and Google Chrome web browsers.

3. As this form will be using internet, in case of slow internet, the process will be slow.

4. Don’t refresh the page or open it in new tab while filling up the form.

5. If the Registration Form PDF is not generated after submitting the form, it may be because of connectivity problems. We advise you to try again.

6. For One Applicant, Registration Form is to be filled only once.

7. Online Registration Fee Payment details.

Mrs. Vandna Tomar


Queries ?

For any queries, contact school. Ph : 0132 7962379, 7302477781 | Email :